Reading List

Reading List

Required books 
Anne Grundel Liberating Dance in mindfulness - what really happens? Available at Adlibris and Bokus. - Read this before step 1.
Gabrielle Roth Operating healing power (Out of print but available in some libraries. English original title – “Maps to Ecstasy”
Eckhart TolleLive life to the fullest or A new earth

Recommended books 
Anodea JudithChakra - Seven keys to healing the energy body
Jon Kabat-ZinnWherever you go, you are there - mindfulness in everyday life
Maria PaijkullThe mob within us (Available as e-book.)
Anders HansenDepphjärnan
Bessel van der KolkThe body keeps the count
Ulrika NorbergBreathe - life happens between two breaths
Anna KåverDance softly with existence
Shakti GawainTo live in the light 
(Somewhat aged but timeless, can be obtained from, among other places, the Bokbörsen.)
Solveig BöhleThe body remembers what you want to forget
Susanna Debbie FordHug your shadow
Helen GamborgThe invisible in healing (available in a new edition)
Gabrielle RothFree your mind. Engelsk originaltitel – “Sweat your prayers”
Gay & Kathlyn HendricksFree your mind. Engelsk originaltitel – “Sweat your prayers”
The body's own intelligence (We would like to include this book as mandatory, but it is difficult to get hold of as it is out of print. You can find it in some libraries and sometimes copies appear on the Book Exchange for sale) Engelsk originaltitel – ”At the speed of life”, can be ordered at, among others, Bokus.