Mindfulness is to be consciously present in body and soul - to observe and identify how it feels to be you - right now.
One way to achieve inner peace, which is also the foundation for peace with yourself and the outside world.
Using dance, go exploring in body and mind and listen to what happens, follow the impulses of the body's own intelligence - free in rhythm and movements. No claims or "haves".
The presence, breathing and the free movement releases tension, release life energy and develop your intuitive abilities.
Dancing interspersed with relaxation and communication exercises that responds to the needs of the group.
Course Content
- Body Dance - a heating method
- 7 Operating Rhythms
- Relaxation and meditation
- Visualiseringsövningar
- Voice - and sensory exercises
- communication Exercises
Do you want to dance regularly one night a week?? Madelene Blyckertz leads dance in Gävle, start date coming soon. Please contact madelene.blyckertz@gmail.com if you have any questions.
MUNDEKULLA 11 - 13 October
En helg med Gaga och Frigörande Dans
Vi undersöker hur dessa två metoder korsbefruktar varandra för att främja inre och yttre rörelse. Genom dansen djupdyker vi i kroppens möjligheter till att uttrycka sig, i allt från de mest subtila rörelserna till det explosiva fysiska uttrycket. Allt efter egen förmåga och dagsform. Dansen varvas med guidade meditationer och avslappningsövningar. Genom att utforska och finslipa vårt instrument kroppen kan vi också nå djupare i vårt meditativa varande. Alla är välkomna, ingen förkunskap krävs.
Course leader Emma Rozgoni och Frida Grundel
Time Friday 11 October at 16 - Sunday 13 October at 13.30
Kurskostnad 2 500 incl VAT
Kostnad för Kost & logi varierar från 1 750 - 2 900 beroende på val av rum
Place Mundekulla kursgård utanför Emmaboda i Småland
Bokning av kurs maila till fridagrundel@gmail.com
Bokning mer info samt bokning av kost & logi görs på Mundekullas hemsida HERE
Använd koden FD24
GYSINGE 14 - 18 October
Course leader Madeléne Blyckertz
Time Monday 14 October at 12 - Friday 18 October
Cost The course itself is free of charge and you pay for food and accommodation
Place Gysinge Herrgård outside Sandviken
All info about prices etc. there are few PRO Folkhögskola's website.
VÄSTERÅS 18 October
Course leader Frida Grundelsgården
Maximum number of participants 20
Cost 450 kr
Arranged by Study associations Adult School Västerås
Information and booking will be available HERE
Type Frigörande Dans Västerås in the search field.
Place: Cape Cape course farm at Vikbolandet outside Norrköping
date: 22 - 25 May 2025
Course leader: Madeléne Blyckertz and Åsa Löfström, certified dance instructor at Frigörande Dansakademin
Registration and info: madelene.blyckertz@
Kurskostnad: 2 500 SEK including VAT
Board and lodging: 2 800 SEK in multi-bed rooms. Double rooms and single rooms can be booked at an additional cost 450 DKK respectively 900 kr. Subject to price adjustments regarding 2025
Maximum number of participants: 30 people
Link to the event on Facebook will come closer.
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